by BRAAM Family

Preacher: Jonathan Kongolo

It is human nature to constantly search for understanding, to learn, and to know about the truth. But what is it about the truth that brings a sense of liberation and freedom when found? In John 8:32, Jesus indicates that coming to the awareness of Truth guarantees our freedom. What truth? We may ask ourselves.

Each one of us holds certain realities as truths dear to them in that they would tarnish reputation, affect a relationship, or bring shame if shared. These are personal struggles, the truth about which is raw and not always pleasant. Unlike the “Truth that sets free,” these realities further isolate us. In appearance, we portray our best, yet privately, we suffer from depression, anxiety, illness, addiction, or finances.

Jesus Christ affirms in John 14: 6, to our relief, that He is the Truth. His beautiful and powerful Name, “Jesus,” is a testimony that God saves (Matthew 1: 21). When we get to know Him, we are made free from sin and liberated from personal struggles. The Truth in Jesus Christ is a liberating light. Psalms 139:7-11 tells us the light of His Truth searches us even in the bottomless pit of our struggles, redeeming us. He is able not only because He is all-knowing, but because He has been on earth. He has felt our pain, cried tears of sorrow and overcome it.

How often do we step out, asking for help? Delaying the full expression of our identity in Christ comes from keeping our struggles to ourselves. “Lord, save me,” Peter cried out in the storm and Christ held him up (see Matthew 14:30). Concealing the truth of our reality—what we fail at or what we need assistance with—does not prosper us (Proverbs 28: 13). We dismiss the opportunity of experiencing Christ by denying our weakness (1 John 1: 6-9). Freedom, our portion as children of God, is at hand if we are willing to confess to Christ our difficulties.

Trials arise to test the foundations of the truths we hold onto. More than holding on, we are to yearn for freedom. Dwelling in the knowledge of the only Truth under heaven purposed to free us from bondage provides a sure anchor: we are secure in knowing the perfect will of God for us (Jeremiah 29: 11). The enemy comes to distort the image of a loving, caring God in our lives. Yet Jesus Christ wholeheartedly cares about our struggles (1 Peter 5:7). He is approachable. Our cares can be cast on Him.

We are to confess so we may be healed (see James 5:16). The word does not speak about being careless when exposing our struggle to just anybody -this is not to create a ministry of gossip- but it refers to “one another.” James was writing to believers and as such, we need to reach out to fellow believers so we may pray for one another. There are people God has anointed and equipped for your sake.

We may be under the impression that we have to be perfect Christians, but we can be the most broken and still be perfect for God. God’s hand can stretch out to where we are and save us. There is nothing we have gone through that can shake God. It is His will for us to be free. It was not our desire but God’s, to be free. In all pursuits, search to know the Truth in Christ. Buy it, protect it, carry it, and spread it for free.

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