God Is Willing At The Right Place At The Right Time (HT TakeOver)

by BRAAM Family
God Is Willing At The Right Place At The Right Time (HT TakeOver)

Shepherd Ronelle Tambwe

It is important to establish that God is willing to do good to us because He is a good Father, regardless of who we are or our past. It is in His character and nature to give good gifts to those who ask Him (see Matthew 7:11). Even when unfortunate events befall us, it is not by divine design. This happens because the door of sin has been opened. However, even with that, God, in His love, still intends to do good for us, as displayed when He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from the very door that we opened.

In Matthew 8:1–3, we are introduced to the man with leprosy who pleaded before Jesus for healing. Today, we know leprosy as a nerve and muscle disease causing bodily sores. The biblical description of this disease’s severity alludes to sin, its burden, its suffering, and the separation from love and grace that it brings. Back then, people with leprosy were isolated, harshly treated, and hated by everyone. Burial services were also held for them while they were still alive. Because the disease had given them a whole new identity, they were known as lepers.

Despite his past experiences, the man with leprosy immediately sought Jesus, kneeling before Him and referring to Him as Lord. Ignoring the heavy looks and opinions of bystanders, his response was worship. “If you are willing, you can heal me,” he declared, addressing Jesus as his Lord (verse 2). Jesus was indeed willing and went on to touch him, regardless of the disease (verse 3). He could have healed him with a thought, but He wanted to touch him. Jesus went beyond just physically healing him because He wanted to handle every other situation, in this case, isolation, loneliness, or hurt, revealing a new dimension of Himself.

God’s willingness is also aligned with His perfect timing and purposes. In Genesis 15:1-6, God first promises Abraham many descendants, despite Sarah’s barrenness, and repeats this promise multiple times over 25 years before fulfilling it. This is Abraham, who was so dear to God that he was able to persuade Him not to destroy an entire city. Why did it take so long to receive this promised child? The delay proved that God’s promises are fulfilled in His perfect timing; it was not the result of difficulty, but rather a part of God’s larger plan.

Despite taking 25 years, Abraham’s journey deepened his faith and drew him even closer to God (see Romans 4:17–25). Even a man of great faith like Abraham struggled with doubts and tried to “help” God fulfill His promise (see Genesis 16:1–3), yet he yearned and remained in God’s presence. If you feel like you’ve been praying and even tried to help God in some way, don’t distance yourself; come back to His presence and trust in Him. Learn from your mistakes and deepen your relationship with Him.

Being in the right place at the right moment goes far beyond physical location or timing—it’s about complete surrender to God. Imagine Abraham, who could have been consumed by the thought of childlessness, worrying about how to explain that God had promised him a child to others, or the man with leprosy, who may have been overwhelmed by how he would reach Jesus rather than just doing so. Instead of dwelling on their worries, they chose to surrender and focus solely on God.

True alignment with God’s will comes when we surrender our minds, letting go of every concern and anxiety. The “right time,” then, is not something we control but something we receive by relinquishing control—whether it’s Abraham waiting 25 years for his promised son or the man with leprosy being instantly healed after a lifetime of suffering. Our challenge is to surrender everything to God, and in doing so, we find ourselves exactly where we need to be.
Both stories demonstrate faith and trust in God’s power and promises.

The man with leprosy might not have known Jesus personally, but he trusted in His healing power and Abraham remained faithful because he believed in God’s promise. They remind us that God is worthy of our worship and gratitude. Knowing He is a loving Father who will never fail to care for you should empower you to remain in His presence and give Him glory in all circumstances, He is absolutely ready and willing to do good to and for you!

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