Pastor Elie Hamuli
In the face of violence, harsh life circumstances, and deteriorating social morals, we are to have faith in God’s heart, whose love not only shields us from evil now but also spares us from even more trying times to come by offering us an escape through the rapture. Just as everyone, we are all guilty, falling short in front of a just God. Yet, when it comes to repaying sinners, He held off justice, choosing Grace knowing that there is hope for us.
This is how the persisting goodness of God has led many to repentance. God loves you and me in such a way that He has no intention of letting us experience the wrath of His justice before its time. Isaiah 61:1-2 proclaimed the acceptable year of the favor of God and the coming day of vengeance. In Luke 4:18–19, Jesus Christ established the season of favour, available even today, by closing the book before vengeance’s mention, emphasizing God’s intention to address our rebellion with Grace.
Why, then, do we continue to choose rebellion, refusing to turn away from our sins and inviting the justice reserved for the day of wrath? Why do we persist in clinging to what leads to destruction rather than seeking the life that is freely offered in Christ?
The great tribulations in this world—the time of trial spoken of in Revelation 3:10—are meant to test those who belong to the world, those who have rejected Christ and refused His call. These trials are not for the faithful, but for those who have yet to believe. Do not be among them!
Paul urges us in 2 Corinthians 13:5 to examine ourselves and test whether we are truly in the faith. This is not a passive suggestion but a call to action—a challenge to ensure that we are not deceiving ourselves about the state of our souls. This is a call to self-reflection, not to breed doubt but to inspire repentance and renewal. Don’t let the flesh fool you; instead, give yourself over to the Holy Spirit.
The end times will come, but not before the church is raptured—taken up by Christ to be with Him forever! This is the blessed hope we hold as His followers (1 Thessalonians 4:16–17). The day is coming when Satan, the deceiver of nations, will be bound and cast into the abyss along with those who follow him. For 1,000 years, he will be imprisoned, powerless to deceive or destroy (Revelation 20:1-3). But even after this, when he is released for a short time to stir up rebellion, the outcome is already determined.
A final war will arise—a battle against the Almighty God. Yet even in what might seem like a “challenge,” our God will triumph with overwhelming power and glory. Satan will face the judgment of the Almighty. His lies, rebellion, and every evil work will be exposed, and he will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10). Justice will be served, even for those who choose to reject God.
Throughout history, God has shown His relentless love by providing a way of escape for His people. His heart is not to destroy but to save, and His grace is woven through every story of redemption. He forgives and forgets our sins and writes our names in the book of life when we give our lives to Christ. As the world is destroyed, we will reign with God for eternity. Enjoyment will be unprecedented, and we will experience new ways of living.
We gather in fellowship with other believers to be refined, transformed, and radiate the glorious light of Christ Jesus. Together, we grow in His truth, strengthen one another in faith, and become living reflections of His grace and love. Let us embrace this divine call, walking in unity and allowing His light to shine through us for the world to see!