Are you ready for rapture? (Part 2)

by BRAAM Family

Pastor Elie Hamuli

From generation to generation, people have awaited the coming of Jesus to fetch His people, known to us as the “rapture.” Many, including Christians, have grown impatient to the point of making fun of this coming. However, 2 Peter 3:8–9 explains that Jesus is still coming but waiting for all of us to repent and come into the kingdom. His delay is a demonstration of His love and compassion.

The times and dates of the rapture are unknown; the day will fall upon humanity, as the Scriptures say, “like a thief in the night.” 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 therefore ushers us into the assurance that the rapture is a blessed hope for us Christians. As the day of appointment draws near, fellowship is not only necessary but essential. When the rebellious world cries out and faces the stark truth and reality of rapture, the church is saved and set apart, spared from the wrath (see 1 John 3:2-3).

Indeed, the church is a wonderful mystery tied to the saving Grace of God as we navigate prophecy. The Greek word for church is “Ecclesia,” which means to be “taken out of” or “set apart.” We see God providing an escape for his people: for Noah when He flooded the whole world; for Lot and his family when He burnt the whole of Sodom and Gomorrah; and for Enoch as well, by sparing him from death. As members of Christ’s church, an escape from the 7 years of tribulations has been provided through the rapture.

All followers of Christ can look forward to the wonderful day. Our response is not one of fear but of joy because of Jesus’ coming. While we wait, we are not called to laziness but to test ourselves and see if we are in the faith (see 2 Corinthians 13:5). Many will have a form of Christianity but are not Christians—the bridesmaids that accompany the bride yet are not married. These are professing Christians but not possessing Christians—professing to be followers of Christ yet not possessing His Faith.

2 Corinthians 13:5 encourages us to live out our salvation by anchoring to its very source—the Word of God—wherein we renew our hearts and minds. Those who falsely portray the faith of Christ will miss rapture because, as much as they can deceive people, they cannot fool Jesus. He discerns the ignorance or the iniquity behind every action.

These times prepare the establishment of the Kingdom of God, spoken about by all the prophets, including John the Baptist, until Christ came and proclaimed Grace. Where darkness once reigned, we anticipate a future governed by the Kingdom of Justice, Peace, and Holiness (Isaiah 9:6-7)! Even though the Kingdom of Heaven is spiritual right now, it will eventually become physical, just as its effects are in the present.

But until then, the antichrist will rule openly and publicly for everyone to see during the great tribulations, yet the message about the Kingdom of Heaven will be preached once again, prevailing in those who would have not hardened their hearts.

Jesus, who will now rule as King over the earth, will come with the church to judge evil and its actors, putting an end to the kingdom of darkness and its deliberate followers. To the church, glorified bodies, like Jesus Christ’s, will be given (see Philippians 3:20–21). Because of all this, we know that what is free for us through salvation was expensive for God on the Cross; let us not take this gift of redemption for granted, but let us fully seize it, for salvation is today!

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