Testimony 1: God reminded me that even what seems small to us can be a vessel for His presence. I’ve always seen myself as just a dancer—someone who brings energy, joy, …
BRAAM Family
No Turning Back, God Restores What Was Lost First and foremost, I want to thank God for blessing me with a father like Pastor Elie and a mother like Mama …
Pastor Elie Humuli Does the rapture evoke feelings of joy, fear, uncertainty, or indifference in your mind? In 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18, the Apostle Paul speaks about the rapture, warning against …
Preacher: Shepherd Joseph Pembamoto As believers, we are aware of the Love of God in Christ, through whom He reconciled us to Himself (John 3:16). We discover each day that …
To Be Like Christ
Reflecting the Image and Likeness of Christ (PART 1)
by BRAAM Familyby BRAAM FamilyMinister Meshack Mulenda God, in His wisdom, has provided us with three key foundational principles to guide our spiritual growth. By understanding and embracing these, we open ourselves up to …
Pastor Elie Hamuli In the face of violence, harsh life circumstances, and deteriorating social morals, we are to have faith in God’s heart, whose love not only shields us from …
Pastor Elie Hamuli From generation to generation, people have awaited the coming of Jesus to fetch His people, known to us as the “rapture.” Many, including Christians, have grown impatient …
Pastor Elie Hamuli Identity plays a vital role in our lives, influencing every aspect of our existence. While feelings may dictate our actions and shape our apparent identity, as children …
Preacher: Pastor Elie Hamuli In today’s world, people are often encouraged to define themselves by their feelings, embracing the mindset of “I feel, therefore I am.” This approach leads individuals …