Minister Meshack Mulenda We all desire to be great. The sense of satisfaction that comes as a result of being celebrated motivates our psychological need for acknowledgement, driving us to …
Walking with God
Preacher: Shepherd Believe Mambo Grace, the unmerited favour of God, can be understood as a preferential treatment. It is the supernatural power given to a mere human-being to produce God-like …
Pastor Elie Hamuli We tend to worry so much about our lack and inadequacy the moment we take away our focus from our Creator. In many passages in the Bible, …
Preacher: Pastor Elie Hamuli As believers, we still face the reality of having to support ourselves in this world. Yet, we respond to our needs from the assurance that we …
Pastor Elie Hamuli In the past few weeks, we’ve delved into the idea that releasing our grip on things is primarily an internal struggle. It’s worth noting that even those …
Pastor Elie Hamuli Renewing our minds, which naturally tend to hold on, allows us to understand the power of “letting go.” In the struggle for control, we find freedom by …
Pastor Elie Hamuli Among all the blessings we receive as believers, Jesus Christ highly values giving us His rest. He wants us to dwell in His rest as we stay …
Luke 6:48-49Meschack Mulenda Everything that God creates grows, and it is His will for you to advance in every aspect of your life. Thus, in order to properly enjoy promotion, …