Shepherd Elie Hamuli
Ruth 1 & 2
The Bible divides time into two categories: KAIROS and CHRONOS.
KAIROS speaks to the quality of the time we experience in a particular season and can be seen as an opportunity – the ideal moment, the opportune time. CHRONOS, on the other hand, is more concerned with the quantity of time, such as hours, weeks, months and so on. The Holy Spirit is the author of right happenings in our lives and He creates the KAIROS within our CHRONOS. He leads us to the right places at the right time with the right people. As believers, we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us – let’s listen and be guided by Him!
Examining the narrative in the book of Ruth, it is evident that Elimelech, along with his wife Naomi and their two sons, departed from Bethlehem amid a famine. He made the choice to leave based on careful consideration of the circumstances, and it appeared to be the best course of action for his family. Similarly, we are often presented with situations that require us to contemplate relocating. The important thing is not the relocation itself, but rather that it is done according to the will of the Holy Spirit.
In contrast, we have Ruth; after Elimelech and their two sons passed away in the land of Moab, Naomi intended to go back to her hometown in Bethlehem and encouraged her daughters-in-law to return to their own families. Orpah followed her advice, but Ruth refused to abandon Naomi and decided to accompany her wherever she went. When compared to Elimelech’s decision, Ruth was motivated by conviction, whereas Elimelech was motivated by feelings [fear due to the famine].
Ruth declared (Ruth 1:16–17), “Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die, I will die—there will I be buried.”
Having a strong and unshakeable belief is essential, and when you are determined, you are ready to confront any resistance. Genuine conviction comes from God, inspiring you to swim against the tide of a particular system. At times, you may have to stand firm in your convictions even when you are alone. Obeying the Lord’s conviction may be difficult or painful, but it will always result in refreshing moments orchestrated by God Himself [KAIROS].
Matthew 14:15-16 tells a story of a challenge caused by time and circumstances.
Jesus and His disciples were in a deserted place and it was getting late, so there was no food to feed the multitude. Problems in life are often due to time or circumstances, or both.
The disciples were aware of the difficulty and suggested that Jesus should send the crowd away so they could find food for themselves. However, He replied, “Don’t send them away.” He wanted the disciples to understand that the Master of time and circumstances was there. Therefore, we should not be intimidated by time or circumstances, because God is in control of both.
We shouldn’t only rely on God when we’re in a good place; we should trust Him even more in difficult times. Authentic trust is put to the test during crises because it gives us an opportunity to demonstrate it. Our peace should not come from the lack of problems, but rather from the knowledge that the Lord is with us. God’s presence is more crucial than any challenge. Our peace should not be dependent on our circumstances, since there will always be challenges. Don’t spend time attempting to fix situations when the Lord is there. Rather than trying to work out every issue, turn to the Prince of Peace; worship Him more than worrying about troubles. Don’t be distressed when it appears that darkness is all around. It’s better to be in a deserted place with Jesus than to be in a bustling place without Him.

When reading Psalms 23:4-6, there are things to be aware of when we go through dark times, and the first thing is that God is with us; that is why David wrote, “I will fear no evil, for You are with me.” The second thing is that God is capable, the rod and staff symbolize His ability. Lastly, God is willing; His preparing a table for us shows His eagerness to demonstrate His goodness. Someone can be present, but they are not of much use if they lack the ability or capability. It also does not help much if someone is present and able but is unwilling. To fully receive help from someone, they need to be present, able, and willing, and that is our God.”
In the book Mathew 8, a man with leprosy approached and knelt before Jesus, saying, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me well.” Jesus extended His hand and touched the man, saying, I am willing. Be healed!” Many believers are aware of God’s presence and power yet lack faith in His willingness to help. Without recognizing God’s readiness to intervene in your struggles, you will fail to receive all the blessings He has for you. You may even start to blame God for all the evil that happens in life.
Awareness of His presence, power, and willingness to do good for you strengthens your faith. God is devoted to doing good for you and has no part in evil. We have been blessed with the New Covenant, which the Bible tells us is better than the Old Covenant [Hebrews 8:6]. Job endured a great trial and said that he wished for someone to intercede between him and God [Job 9:33]. This covenant is even better because we have Jesus, who is seated at the Father’s right hand, interceding on our behalf. Therefore, when we pray in Jesus’ name, it is not just a slogan, but a position in Him.
Back to the story of Ruth and Naomi, Boaz is referred to as the kinsman redeemer. This is someone who can rescue you from a difficult situation, so they must be a relative of the person in need – Boaz was a relative of Naomi. They must also have the means to do this – Boaz possessed fields and other possessions. Lastly, they must have the willingness – Boaz showed his desire to help Ruth. Boaz serves as a representation of what Jesus did for us. The great thing about Jesus’ presence is that it is not only omnipresent, meaning He is everywhere, but it is also personal; He understands every pain you experience because He endured suffering for you. If you can open your heart to accept that Jesus is present, capable, and willing, you will experience Him as your kinsman redeemer.