Believe Mambo
Words form part of your everyday life. After all, they are foundational for human interaction because they facilitate communication. The words you speak originate from what is filled in your heart. What makes words powerful is the fact that they carry life and death, as it is written in Proverbs 18:21, “life and death are in the power of the tongue”. Therefore, you need to be careful with how you use your words because you can build or destroy. The Bible also says in Matthew 12:34 that “Out of the abundance of heart, the mouth speaks” – everything that comes out of your mouth is what you have been storing within. Thus, what is often expressed through your mouths is a result of what has been frequently pondered upon.

Since what exits the mouth is largely influenced by what you fill your heart with, it is important to watch over the things you allow into your heart, and that happens by monitoring the content of your meditation. Meditation is commonly perceived as focusing the mind by thinking of something deeply and clearing it, and it sometimes includes chanting. However, unlike the worldly definition that encourages silence, the Hebrew word for meditate “hagah” includes making sounds; verbally repeating what we are meditating on – speaking the content that you have read. So, as a believer, when you meditate, your mouth should participate in the activity.
There exists a connection between reading your Bible and opening your mouth, that is why Joshua was told to not let the Law depart from his mouth as he meditates.
As established, meditation involves speaking, and that can be in the form of confessing which is to speak out loud in acknowledgment. When you confess as a believer, you utter the very oracles of God (see 1 Peter 4:11) rather than merely speaking positively or loudly, during difficult situations.

The oracles of God are found in His Word, therefore, you will not be able to keep your mouth open if your Bible is closed (see Matthew 12:34). Furthermore, in Genesis 1:1-4, God found Himself in front of a dark situation, where what He created does not reflect His nature. He spoke life and light to the very void and darkness of the earth. He was in front of a situation that was the absolute opposite of who He was. However, He was not moved by the contradiction that was set before Him. He spoke and it came to pass, that is the same power that you have been given since you have the nature of God (see Genesis 1: 27).
There is power in confessing the Word of God, and there are benefits in doing so.
When you confess, you come into agreement with the Word of God – Jesus is the Word of God (see John 1:1-5).
Every time Jesus spoke, He spoke what the Father told Him – meaning what He uttered was always in agreement with the Father. What He spoke happened because it was in agreement with the Father’s will (see John 5:19). It is important to note that your life will flow in the direction of the words which you confess over it.
Moreover, when you speak God’s Word, you give Him access to work here on earth. Spiritual beings cannot legally operate on earth without an invitation of man, or an envelope called the body.

So, when you are uttering the Word of God, you are saying, “God here I am, use me” and you are inviting Him to accomplish His will here on earth. As mentioned in the Lord’s Prayer, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done” (see Matthew 6:9-13) is a declaration of alignment with the will of God in your confession. However, when you do the contrary, that is speaking outside of God’s Word over your life, you are giving the enemy access to do as you have spoken. That is why you must refrain from speaking vain and negative words or thinking such thoughts, especially during unfavourable circumstances (see 1 Peter 4: 11). Rather speak words founded in Jesus, which is achieved through reading His Word.
Your words also have creative power [in Christ] as illustrated in Romans 4:17. God is the Creator of all things and He created everything through uttering words. In the passage of Ezekiel 37:3-10, you see that the prophet Ezekiel was given the power to prophesy over the dry bones. The keyword is ‘prophecy’ which means to speak on behalf of God. When you speak the Word of God, you are essentially speaking on behalf of God. That is what makes a believer’s confession different because it is not wishful thinking or assumptions, but it is saying what God wants you to say.
Furthermore, when you confess the Word of God, it brings life and resurrection – John 11 (as told in the story of Lazarus). In this story, there is a consistency that Jesus had with His words – ‘he is not dead’, ‘he is asleep’, although He knew Lazarus was dead, He still maintained His confession. The period during which Lazarus was inside the tomb did not matter to Jesus. Yes, Jesus’s presence was there, but He still proceeded to speak. He understood that His words were powerful, and the situation required Him to speak.

Believers in Christ are made to be kings and queens, called to rule, and what you bind on earth will be bound in heaven (Matthew 18:18-20). You reign with Jesus, therefore the price He paid was made for you to walk in authority and have dominion upon all things here on earth. And as a ruler reigning with Christ, you have the authority to decree. Speaking is also a weapon in times of warfare. Confessing the Word of God enables you to use the Word as a weapon. Ephesians 6: 14 says that you have the sword which is the Word of God, an offensive weapon, that you can use to conquer the enemy. Jesus was able to overcome the devil by the Word.
Therefore, when you face bad situations, it is beneficial to meditate (think and speak) on what is good (the promises of God) and not on how critical a situation may seem to appear (read Psalms 19: 14 and Philippians 4: 8). When you speak the Word of God over your situation, you are also speaking faith to your heart as faith comes by hearing the Word of God. James writes of the most powerful organ, which is the tongue, it can create or destroy (see James 3: 5-11). He also highlights the fact that you can tame your tongue by watching over your heart. Taming is done by being cautious of what you watch, what you think of, what you say, and what you listen to, because that will affect what you utter out of your mouth. Therefore, remember to keep your mouths open, by keeping your Bible open.