Pastor Elie Hamuli
In the past few weeks, we’ve delved into the idea that releasing our grip on things is primarily an internal struggle. It’s worth noting that even those who appear calm on the outside might be wrestling internally. On the flip side, some find rest in their work. True rest in God begins within our minds and hearts, and when we operate in the full supply of God’s rest, we position ourselves for acceleration.

God’s intention is for us to abide in the unique rest found only in Him. In this state of peace, we can fully embrace our identity in Christ. Surrendering allows us to remain rooted in the inheritance of this identity, leading to a fruitful life. Internal conflicts arise when we become self-centered, focusing solely on our efforts for solace. Without Jesus, true rest eludes us. Trusting in His ways is the key to living in our rightful inheritance—true rest.
Focusing on Jesus, who resides in us, is crucial. What we surrender to Him, He promptly takes care of. This message is inclusive and beneficial for those whose Shepherd is Christ. Letting go of the desire to control results in spiritual growth and the experience of new dimensions of rest, akin to the freshness of green pastures (referencing Psalms 23:1-3).

However, Hebrews 3:12 warns of a potential obstacle to true rest. The Apostle Paul urges us to guard our hearts against evil and unbelief, which create distance from God. “Evil” here, translated from the Greek “Poneros,” refers to a heart burdened with labors, annoyances, and hardships. This leads us away from God’s provision, tempting us to pray out of worry and exposing our attachment to our ways over God’s riches.
We are encouraged to pray from a stance of victory, not for victory, being aware of the rest God provides. Anxiety pulls us away from God’s presence (see Mark 4:19), hindering us from grasping the blessings in God’s Word. Rest in God is accompanied by grace and holiness, setting us apart from the world’s anxieties (referencing Genesis 2:3). Noah, meaning “rest” in Hebrew, found grace, illustrating that those who find shelter and rest in God receive His grace (Genesis 6:8).

Redemption brought rest after the work of the Cross, the epitome of God’s grace for humanity (Matthew 8:20). Three traits characterize a believer aware of God’s provision: the right position—sitting in heavenly places with Christ, enjoying His finished work; the right focus—looking up for hope, not around for restlessness; and the right speech—beginning prayers with gratitude and making invisible blessings visible (1 Thessalonians 5:18, Ephesians 1:3). In conclusion, it’s time to let go and let God, trusting in His provision and resting in His grace.