by BRAAM Family
Promotion, Yes! But On What Foundation?

Luke 6:48-49
Meschack Mulenda

Everything that God creates grows, and it is His will for you to advance in every aspect of your life. Thus, in order to properly enjoy promotion, it is important to understand its underlying principles. What comes to mind when you think of promotion? Do you anticipate getting promoted in any particular area of your life? If so, you ought to be aware that every promotion has a foundation or a basis for support. Everything is built on a foundation, so it is crucial. No matter how beautiful a construction may be on the outside, if the foundation is poor or nonexistent, the structure will fall down eventually.

In Luke 6:48–49, Jesus emphasised the value of a foundation by using the story of the two men who built two different foundations for their homes. One man built a house on sand, but soon it could not endure the wind and fell. The house of the other man was built on a rock, and it withstood the wind. The apparent issue in the story is not the house itself, but rather the foundations upon which the houses were built. Many people miss it because they concentrate on the building while paying little attention to the foundation, despite the fact that a foundation greatly affects a building.

A foundation allows any infrastructure to stand and withstand. In that same principle, a foundation gives purpose to what is being built and is the driving force that sustains something. So, before you build anything, make sure that the foundation you are building on is solid. Foundations determine the durability of the building, and that idea trickles to all areas of life, career, relationships and everything else. Even God, in His supremacy, considered the importance of a solid foundation; this is shown in Psalms 104:1-5 that when He created the earth, He laid a foundation.
Furthermore, a foundation also refers to the substance that backs something up. In Acts 5:29-39, there is a story of how the religious people were trying to shut down the disciples from spreading the gospel. One leader responded that it would be useless to fight the movement if God backed it. He added that fighting the propagation of the gospel would be equivalent to fighting God, and if it were a mere man-made movement, it would soon dissolve. Therefore, if anything is built on mere ideas, it is destined to fail, but if it is of God, it can never be overthrown. Thus, it is important to be aware that for anything to have a lasting impact in the physical realm, it should be backed up by the spiritual realm. Hence, whenever the spiritual realm is ignored, the physical realm suffers.

You need to look at things that have been built in the past and have long maintained their consistency so that you will know which foundation to build upon. A close study of the Bible reveals that Jesus is the rock-solid foundation. According to the NKJV translation of 1 Corinthians 3:11, “because no one can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, namely Jesus Christ.” Having Jesus as your foundation ensures true promotion because He has been shown to be the foundation that endures forever. According to the Bible [see John 1:1-3], Jesus is referred to as the Word who became flesh, and in the parable, Jesus compared those who built their homes on the Word of God to the wise builder.

Your life ought to be built upon the Word of God, which is Jesus. The Word of God contains God’s thoughts on every circumstance you may possibly encounter.
There is a verse in the Bible that corresponds to every situation in life. The skilful builder’s house withstood the wind, and so will anything built with God’s Word as its cornerstone. When Jesus enters your life, He establishes a new foundation that keeps the devil from claiming you. Without Jesus as your cornerstone, the devil has legal access and full freedom over your life. Knowing the truth sets one free from the enemy, not just by wishful thinking or optimistic affirmations. Jesus offers actual freedom, which is exhibited to the extent of the knowledge of Him that you possess.

Learn to look for patterns in your life and recognise recurring patterns in your family. Never accept something because “it’s part of our family” or “it’s always been this way.” The patterns that try to take your life have a corresponding reality in the Word of God that deals with them. You should be aware that any claim on your life will fail if you have built your life on Jesus and adhere to His Word as absolute truth. When you put your faith in Jesus, He sheds His light in your life. You can find what you’re looking for by using His light. Christ, not humanistic ideals, is the foundation of long-lasting promotion.

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