Preacher: Pastor Elie Hamuli
There is a significant movement of God in the last days known as the Benjamin generation. This generation becomes relevant during a global salvation crisis, similar to the story in Genesis 43. Benjamin, whose name means “son of my right hand,” was the youngest son, and the Benjamin generation includes the last generation of Christians before the rapture. (1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15: 50-54).

Understanding the mandate of the Benjamin generation requires looking at the relationship between Jesus Christ, Joseph, and Benjamin. Drawing parallels between Joseph and Christ reveals their shared experiences of rejection by their own families. Both Joseph and Christ eventually became the bread of life for those who rejected them – in Egypt and on the cross, respectively (see John 6: 35-36 and Genesis 43:31).
Joseph and Benjamin, being the last two sons of Jacob and sharing Rachel as their mother, represented the final generation among Jacob’s twelve sons. Analyzing Joseph’s interactions with Benjamin in Genesis 43 sheds light on how Jesus intends the Benjamin generation to operate during the last days, particularly in times of crisis.

Genesis 43 shows that without Benjamin’s presence in Joseph’s dealings with his brothers, the crisis escalates, favor is lost, and the consequences become more severe. This situation is linked to the concept of grace, symbolized by the number 5 in the Bible. Several clues in the Bible points to an account of Grace as symbolized by the number 5 in the stories of Noah, Ruth and King David (see Genesis 43: 34, Genesis 5: 28-32, Ruth 2: 10).
Just as Benjamin received five times more, God intends to use the fivefold of grace to address the moral and spiritual decline in the world.
As members of the Benjamin generation, both young and old, understanding our identity and purpose in these times is crucial. We are tasked with bringing light to a world in darkness and playing a critical role in helping those called according to God’s purpose overcome the crisis.

Similar to how Benjamin received five changes of clothes from Joseph, Jesus Christ has clothed this generation with an overarching anointing that guarantees prosperity through His presence. As we learn from Joseph’s story, prosperity is not defined by our physical condition, nor is wealth determined by what we claim ours, but it is partnership with God that gives good success to the Benjamin generation, whether in ministry or in the various domains of life; testifying to the unbeliever of the assurance of God’s absolute involvement in the lives of those who choose to serve Him in these last days.
Seeking God’s kingdom first is essential for members of the Benjamin generation. Anyone can seek at their convenience (when it works for them), but we are called to seek first the kingdom of God, as this is a posture rather than a mere practice (read Matthew 6: 33).

Reading Psalms 103:5, we understand that what characterizes the Benjamin generation’s youth, it is the fact that God renews it. Young and old are therefore qualified to serve God and He is willing to use us to share the Gospel. Our relationship with Jesus Christ is far more valuable than anything the world offers.
The story of the Samaritan woman at the well teaches us that during difficult times, people tend to divert their attention from reality by engaging in a variety of activities that are disguised as leisure.
However members of the Benjamin generation, driven by love and compassion, respond to people’s needs with the same grace and compassion that Jesus showed to sinners. They understand the world’s attempts to find satisfaction outside of Christ and extend His salvation to those in need.

In summary, the Benjamin generation is marked by love, compassion, and a deep commitment to serving God’s Kingdom. They live in the finished work of Christ, extending grace and salvation to a fallen world. It’s an invitation to claim your place in this generation and be part of a powerful movement of God.