Monday 11/11/2019

Matthew 12: 30-37
“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. “Make a tree good and its fruit will be good or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words, you will be condemned.”
From the above passage, we can see that one’s nature determines how they see things. If there’s evil on the inside of someone, they will only reproduce that and nothing else. When there is no truth in you, even that which is true, you will see it as a lie. Christ performed a miracle by the power of God, but because they didn’t believe in that power, the Pharisees attributed it to an evil spirit.
As Christians, we have to learn how to discern spirits and the nature of things. We should be able to see the evil in something that disguises itself as good, and being filled with the Holy Spirit will help us see this. We should credit the work of Spirit where and when it’s due.
There is no sin that you can commit as a Christian that God can’t forgive, but here Jesus reminds us of the one unforgivable sin which is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. The sin against the Spirit is the eternal rejection of the Spirit of God. We should understand that it’s the Spirit of God in us that makes of us children of God; rejecting Him would mean that we don’t want to receive eternal life that comes from Him and we cannot be children of God.
If we read John 14:13, we will see that we can only receive from a position we occupy and so the place that we give or have in someone’s life is crucial because it determines the kind of relationship that we’ll share. Jesus can do anything but the position that we give Him can limit Him. Even in his home town, they only saw him as the son of Joseph, and that is why he wasn’t able to do much.
Speaking of position, Matthew 12: 30 says, “If you are NOT WITH ME, you are against me…” which further highlights the importance of picking aside.
A position is a place where someone is located; space which someone occupies or where they stand. Here Jesus is trying to show us that there is no middle ground when it comes to Him; you are either for him or against him.
Position defines a relationship and therefore determines what and how we receive. When you’re a child of God, you’re an heir to God. The inheritance that we share in as Christians are not just for anyone, but it’s for the children of God – those who have positioned themselves as His children (see Galatians 4: 6 and Mathew 10: 41).
There is a way that everyone sees God, but there’s also a way that you see Him. So the question is, how do you see God, and where are you positioned? Christianity is not a general thing, but a personal one; when you see God from a personal position, it changes your approach towards how you pray and interact with Him. When you pray to God with the mindset that there is individuality in Christianity, you see God differently.
Praying in the name of Jesus is not a slogan, but it’s a prayer made in the position of Jesus. So adding the name of Jesus to your prayer is a seal and it works as though Jesus has made that prayer Himself.
Now the underlying issue is when Christians lack a defined position, they end up being neutral. Neutrality is a position that kills the Christian, not the non-believer. It’s the state of not supporting either side, the absence of decisiveness and the lack of expression. Spiritual neutrality also exists, and it happens when God is unable to find you at the location in which He had left you (see Genesis 3:9) or when you are lukewarm.
Neutrality is a comfort zone, and it’s natural for one to seek comfort. Often times than most, we choose to be neutral on things because we either want to remain in our comfort zones where we don’t feel any pressure. Also maybe because we are ignorant about the issue in question, or because we’re afraid to be wrong or we want to be perceived as peaceful people. Being neutral puts us in a pleasant and comfortable position where we feel that we will not be judged.
However, neutrality is not possible with Christ. You cannot be for Christ and be neutral because Jesus wants exclusivity. He wants those that belong to Him to fully belong to Him. Every system in the world wants exclusivity and if God gave a man this intelligence, what makes you think He doesn’t want exclusivity?
1 John 3:8 and Ephesians 5: 11 tell us that Christ came to expose and destroy the work of darkness. In other words, He came to set a clear position. Christianity is not only about perfect spirituality but it’s also about practicality, and Jesus is the perfect example of that. So by abstaining, keeping quiet and being passive, we automatically become co-workers with Satan because we allow evil to be spread without opposing it (see James 4:17).
Luke 24:48 tells us that we are called to be witnesses and not observers. Your neutrality compromises your position as a witness for God. A witness in court is called to testify for or against someone, and you can’t be in the middle; otherwise, the final judgment will be compromised.
A clear position begins with a conviction in the heart. You see or hear something, and you are convinced to join or be a part of it. Your conviction is then followed by a declaration – which is a confession. (See Romans 10: 9-10).
Our declaration is then affirmed by our actions, which in turn prove our convictions and confessions. Our actions are the fruits of what we are convinced of from the inside. (see Mathew 12: 33-35 & 1 John 3:9).
Who we are is shown through what we do, not only by what we say. What is in the heart will always come out. So as Christians, we should watch out for what comes out of us and what we say because our words have the power to either build or destroy. Our life is the evidence of our words; we have the ability to create our world because the world hears and it responds accordingly.
Daniel 3: 16-18, is the story about three of Daniel’s friends (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego) who were forced to worship a statue but refused; they said that God was going to save them and they added to that, that even if He doesn’t save them, they would still not bow. This story shows us that having a defined position also brings confidence in the one we’re positioned in. Sometimes we pick a position because we don’t see danger or we’re not threatened but be like Daniel’s friends and position yourself in God, and stick to it even when there are threats.
The two dangers of neutrality
1. When you have no position, you become disgusting to God. If you’re not hot or cold, God will vomit you. It’s essential to be clear on where you stand and not give off a lukewarm impression (see Revelation 3: 15-16).
2. Your neutrality allows the devil to violate your position and play with you (see Matthew 5:14-16 and John 10:10) and at the same time, it brings confusion to those that try to identify you.
Your commitment to your position in Christ sets restrictions for the devil ( see Job 1:9-10).
You don’t always need to defend yourself as a Christian, let your behavior speak for itself, and people will see it. Christians weren’t called Christians because they chose to call themselves like that, but Christians were called Christians because people saw Christ in them. Be part of the generation that is committed to being positioned in God regardless. You need to live out the conviction that’s inside of you.
Prayer request:
1. Ask God to help you set your position in Him clear so that you live radically for Him without compromise.
Watch || The danger of neutrality [Having a defined position] video on Youtube.