Minister Meshack Mulenda
We all desire to be great. The sense of satisfaction that comes as a result of being celebrated motivates our psychological need for acknowledgement, driving us to strive for and achieve greatness. Making a difference also honors God, whose will it is for us to succeed; therefore, something is amiss if we do not strive for greatness. God is also exalted through us when we excel and shine His light in the world.

Patterns are part of God’s kingdom. He set them for every aspiration, ensuring continuity and guiding individuals towards greatness. Following the pattern ensures the destination is reached. However, not everyone is willing to submit to the pattern of greatness. Galatians 6:7 suggests that the result of one’s life is determined by the pattern they follow, as those who sow to the pattern of the flesh reap corruption.
In view of the ways established by God, the most tiresome way to greatness is to forge one’s own path. As emphasized in Jeremiah 1:5, by following God’s divine pattern, you align yourself with His purpose and ultimately become who He has called you to be. Similarly, in Joshua 1:8, God provided Joshua with clear guidance on the path to follow, the pattern to adhere to, and the results he could expect. Patterns make results predictable!

The world measures greatness by your accomplishments and possessions. However, from a biblical perspective, greatness is not something one can achieve on their own. Thus, the concept of being “self-made” has no foundation in the Word of God and is in fact prideful. This mindset is what led to the fall of Adam and Eve, deceived by the devil into thinking they could ‘become’ by eating the forbidden fruit. Forging a way with your own strength is unfulfilling, as it leads you away from God’s perfect plan for your life.
The true pattern of greatness is rooted in following Jesus Christ. In Matthew 4:19, Jesus calls His disciples to follow Him so that He can “make” them into what He has ordained them to be. He teaches that the first step is not about “doing” but about following. This principle applies to anything God has ordained for you to become—greatness is achieved not through personal effort but through a close relationship with Christ, following His lead. This involves submission to spiritual leaders and mentors who guide along the established patterns.

With the calling, God appoints guidance through pioneers that have walked the path. But discipleship demands loyalty, commitment, and service for transformation to be tangible. Commitment involves dedicating oneself to the success of the vision where God has planted you, contributing through your service and resources. It is crucial to remain planted where God has called you to be. This includes upholding the mission and standing of the ministry one is called to serve. Then you ought to resist the urge to do things that tamper with your commitment and productivity where God had planted you.
Finally, there is no greatness without service. Christ gives us a platform to serve when we choose to follow Him. As He came to serve and not to be served, His pattern means prioritizing service as the foundation of your journey to greatness. Thus, service is the 0fundamental component of leadership, and it produces greatness that endures.