Mark 5: 24-34 NKJV
Shepherd Elie
There is an emotion associated with hearing about someone; feelings are evoked when a known name is mentioned, and this is also true when hearing about Jesus. Experience determines what is felt while hearing the name of Jesus. In contrast, if you have encountered the Jesus of the Bible, your heart will be warmed. If you have encountered people who misrepresented Jesus, you are most likely to feel negatively. More importantly, how you hear about Jesus affects who you end up being after meeting Him. Consequently, it’s crucial to pay close attention to your choice of preacher or teacher.

In Mark 5: 24-34, you find a story about a woman who suffered from a flow of blood for twelve years. What’s amazing is that the woman’s name nor her origin was mentioned, but she was described by her condition. When you have experienced something for so long, people tend to describe you by your condition, especially when it is shameful. The Bible says, “When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment” [Mark 5:27 NKJV]. It was not specified exactly what she heard about Jesus, but whatever it was that she heard led her to seek him out. Being careful with the information you allow to enter your ears is crucial because what you hear motivates you to take action. So stay away from naysayers, liars, and those who speak negatively about others.
She inferred from what she heard that she would find cure by touching the hem of Jesus’ garment [see Mark 5:28]. Hearing is the source of faith, and whatever she had heard had given her the confidence to come up to Jesus and touch Him. In line with what the Bible says, “So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ” [Romans 10:17 NLT]. Her state was described as shameful before she met Jesus, but it was described as glorious after she met Jesus because she had heard of a man named Jesus.
The woman had the illness for so long that she had spent all her livelihood to get well, but she only got worse. As long as she had not heard of Jesus, her condition worsened. She did everything in her ability to get well, but nothing went her way; not only did she remain sick, but she also became broke in the process. As long as you don’t hear the true gospel about Jesus Christ, you will keep bleeding and even worse. It is hearing and drawing closer to Jesus that brings wholeness.

In approaching Jesus, the woman broke many Levitical laws, amongst which a bleeding woman was not allowed to be in a public place or to touch anyone [see Leviticus 15:25-27]. Despite the possible dangers she faced by being in public with her condition, it indicates that she heard of something greater than the law. She surely heard of the goodness of Jesus, His power and grace. She heard of how Jesus was healing the sick and doing good to people. The Bible says, “how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him” [Acts 10:38 NKJV]. What are you hearing about God? Do you feel confident approaching Jesus based on what you’ve heard about him?
The information you receive about God could mean the difference between life and death. The law has a voice of condemnation and disqualification, where everything is based on qualification and merit. But there is a greater voice that speaks grace, saying come as you are.
Jesus could have healed that woman and kept walking, but it would remain between Him and her. However, Jesus wanted also to restore the lady’s dignity. Similarly, a lady was brought to Jesus’ feet after being caught in the act of adultery [see John 8:1-11]. The Pharisees brought her to Jesus with the accusation and what the law recommended as punishment for her sin. But Jesus’ reactions shocked everyone. He looked at accusers and said that those without sin were the only ones qualified to stone her, and one by one, they left her.
Jesus told the woman to go because He also did not accuse her, and there was no longer any accusation against her, but she was free to go and sin no more. It shows how Jesus no longer holds our sins against us. Therefore, don’t allow people’s judgement against you or man’s traditions to stop you from seeing and receiving from your loving saviour. Jesus will make you clean, therefore there is no need for you to do that before coming to Him. Come as you are; don’t try to prove yourself through your actions. You must understand that Jesus was the ideal offering because doing so will make you feel closer to God. You no longer have to long for his touch from a distance because He has made way for you to be near Him. The same Jesus who gave His body for your healing also gave His blood for your forgiveness and justification.