You Are Not your Feelings (Part 2)

by BRAAM Family
You Are Not your Feelings (Part 2)

Pastor Elie Hamuli

Identity plays a vital role in our lives, influencing every aspect of our existence. While feelings may dictate our actions and shape our apparent identity, as children of God, we are called to rise above the fluctuations of emotions. Jesus redeems us by restoring our eternal identity in Him.

As descendants of Adam, we inherited a sinful nature, identified as sinners through his disobedience (Romans 5:19). Our own efforts, no matter how good, cannot redeem us. Adam’s disobedience corrupted our thoughts, desires, and emotions, separating us from God’s intended joy, contentment, and peace.

Do you feel exhausted, guilty, fearful, restless, sad, or overwhelmed? Don’t let these emotions define you. Acknowledge them, then let God’s Word guide you back to the underlying need and solution. “I feel, therefore I need.” Let these emotions point you to the Cross of Jesus Christ.

Through Jesus’ obedience, the second Adam, our identity is restored to God’s likeness (2 Corinthians 10:5). Our emotions now emanate from our restored identity in Christ, not our fallen nature. God provided Christ as the perfect offering, fulfilling the old covenant sacrifices (Leviticus 1-7). His death accomplished the Father’s will, bringing peace, friendship, and harmony between us and God.

At the Cross, Christ took on the consequence of our sin, forgiving us and overriding Adam’s legacy (2 Corinthians 5:21). Let this truth fill you with good cheer, knowing Christ fully satisfied God’s heart and hid you in the safety of His victory over sin.

As our spirit is saved, our minds are continually renewed through the Word of God by the Holy Spirit, Allos Parakletos. He comforts us in our emotional struggles and empowers us to separate our identity from our feelings, abiding and growing in the truth of God’s Word (Romans 8:21-23).

Our response is no longer condemnation, fear, and defeat. We have a Savior in Christ, who rescues us from the depths of our emotions.

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